"Kronos' (Time) siblings names are equally revealing. Metheus means 'thought.' The words 'thesis, 'theory, and 'thinking' are derived from its root. Epi means 'after,' so Epi-metheus means 'after-thought,' that is, thinking about the past. His sister's name, Mnemosyne, is the root of the word 'memory'; every student has used her name to create 'mnemonics' to help memorize long sequences of facts. Mnemosyne was the mother of the Muses, because remembrance makes all the arts possible. Pro-metheus means 'fore-thought,' which is indispensable for anticipating the future. Prometheus is synonymous with 'prediction.' According to myth then King Time (Kronos), along with his brothers After-thought and Fore-thought, and their sister Memory, are the ancestors once-removed of the human race. "